
Staying Safe Online

CEOP is the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre who deal with online safety issues. You should be able to see it on a range of social networking sites - it is the Advice, Help and Report button. Clicking on the button will take you to their website, where you can easily follow links for help if you are a parent or child. Remember only click on it if you need to report something.
Staying Safe Online
With all the devices available in today's ever changing world it is important to know how to stay safe online.
Follow these top tips when using your devices both at home and school 
  1. Always ask a grown up before you use the Internet; let them know what you are doing.
  2. Don't tell strangers where you live, your phone number or where you go to school. Only your friends and family need to know that.
  3. Don't send pictures to people you don't know; you don't want strangers looking at photos of you, your friends or your family.
  4. Tell a grown up if you feel scared or unhappy about anything.
  5. Always remember to follow the SMART Rules.