


Our RSHE curriculum is at the heart of everything we do.  It underpins our school values, culture of safeguarding and the Christian ethos of the school.   We intend that our curriculum will actively engage our young learners, giving them opportunities to consider and clarify their values and beliefs.  Our RSHE curriculum is taught as discrete lessons, as well as being woven into the pupils’ everyday school life, giving them the opportunity to make a positive contribution to our school community and the wider world.  Our curriculum provides children with a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum with a body of factual information to inform their present and future choices. We promote Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) for all and understand that we have a duty of care to keep our pupils safe.  Themes that are covered by our curriculum taught age appropriately by all year groups are:

  • Being me in my world
  • Celebrating differences
  • Dreams and goals
  • Healthy me
  • Relationships
  • Changing me

We promote the values of RSHE across our whole school community through a wide variety of means such as: staff meetings, whole-school worship, Meet the Teacher evenings, newsletters and through classroom displays.

Here at Easebourne, we use Jigsaw, the mindful approach to RSHE, as our main teaching and learning programme.  Our curriculum has been shaped by a full consultation with teaching staff, parents, governors and pupils to ensure it also reflects and prepares for the lived experiences of Easebourne pupils now and in the future. Our curriculum, supported by Jigsaw, holds children at its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world.

With a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

Jigsaw is fully compliant with the DfE Statutory Relationships & Health Education Guidance.  Puberty and reproduction is taught in the Changing Me unit and contains explicit work on these aspects. However, Jigsaw is a holistic programme that supports children’s personal development, sense of identity and self-respect throughout, with the Relationships unit offering more specific aspects of statutory Relationships Education.

The whole Jigsaw Programme fulfils all the statutory RSHE requirements. There is a mapping document that teachers can use to ensure that all statutory guidance is being met.  Following government guidelines, and in consultation with our school community, we use our own discretion to adapt and teach statutory units. Furthermore, we adapt  the Jigsaw scheme to meet the needs of our young learners.

There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) each with six Pieces (lessons). Every year group studies the same Puzzle at the same time (sequentially ordered from September to July), allowing for whole school themes and the end of Puzzle product, for example, a display or exhibition (like the Garden of Dreams and Goals) to be shared and celebrated by the whole school. Each year group is taught one lesson per week and all lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.

The different puzzle pieces are:

Relationships & Sex Education

An important part of the Jigsaw PSHE programme is delivered through the 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me' puzzle pieces which are covered in the summer term. 

There are four main aims of teaching RSE:

• To enable children to understand and respect their bodies
• To help children develop positive and healthy relationships appropriate to their age and development
• To support children to have positive self-esteem and body image
• To empower them to be safe and safeguarded.

Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage. At no point will a child be taught something that is inappropriate; and if a question from a child arises and the teacher feels it would be inappropriate to answer, (for example, because of its mature or explicit nature), this information with be shared with you by your child’s class teacher. The question will not be answered to the child or class if it is outside the remit of that year group’s programme.

Below is a summary of RSE coverage within the Jigsaw scheme for each year group:                        
 Foundation Stage - Growing up: how we have changed since we were babies
• Year 1 - Boys’ and girls’ bodies; naming body parts
• Year 2 - Boys’ and girls’ bodies; body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private and why this is)
• Year 3 - How babies grow and how boys’ and girls’ bodies change as they grow older
• Year 4 - Internal and external reproductive body parts, body changes in girls and menstruation
• Year 5 - Puberty for boys and girls, and conception
• Year 6 - Puberty for boys and girls and understanding conception to birth of a baby

Further information about how the school approaches the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education through the Jigsaw programme can be found within the documents listed below:

Relationships Education, Health Education and Sex Education in the Primary School
To find out more about Jigsaw please click on the link below to access a Parent/Carer information guide.