
Art and Design

At Easebourne Primary School, our Art & Design curriculum introduces our pupils to a range of artists, craftsmen and designers, inspiring them to think and act creatively, and being able to draw upon this knowledge to inform and or interpret their own ideas and observations. Children develop their ability to draw, paint and make confidently, exploring mark making and materials, processes and techniques, eventually being able to select the most appropriate, so that they will be able to communicate confidently, from observation, memory or imagination, using a range of visual and tactile media. 

 Core Principles 

  • Holistic Development: We want children to develop a passion for Art & Design, being confident in their own expression. We nurture creative thinking skills and help pupils learn through art, as well as about art.  

  • High Expectations: We encourage pupils to critically evaluate their work, and the work of others, creating a sense of independence, initiative and originality.  

  • Lifelong Learning: We develop their visual language to be able to express emotions, interpret observations and to convey their individuality.   

  • Community and Collaboration: We work closely with Midhurst Arts Society and the local community, to encourage and support learning.